Can I stay at the OceanCliff Hotel for the weekend?

Unfortunately you will not be able to book a room at the venue itself. The OceanCliff is a small hotel and all the rooms are currently allotted to the various weddings they will be hosting that weekend. Our allotted rooms are already fully taken by having our immediate families on-site, so we recommend staying at another hotel (hopefully one of our room blocks!) that has more availability.

Are children invited?

We have invited our family members to bring their children to the welcome party and the wedding if they wish. When you RSVP, please let us know how many of the invited children from your family will be joining so we can make proper arrangements.

Kids meals will be provided at the reception, and we will have a quiet room adjoining the ballroom with games and toys for families to take a break from the action whenever they need.

Can I bring a guest?

To make sure we remain within the capacity for the event, we are only able to accommodate guests named on your invitation.

Will the wedding take place all at one location?

The Ceremony, Reception and After Party all take place just a few steps apart in different areas of the OceanCliff Hotel.

Will the wedding be indoors or outdoors?

Weather permitting, the ceremony will take place outdoors on the back lawn overlooking the water. The reception will be indoors in the main ballroom, with access to couches and fire pits on the back patio. You’ll want to bring a shawl or sweater for the October breeze!

What is the dress code?

The Welcome Party dress code is dressy casual. Think button down shirts, dress pants, and cocktail dresses.

The Wedding dress code is formal. Please wear suits, ties, and mid- to full-length dresses.

Will there be transportation to the venue?

We will provide shuttles between the OceanCliff and our four blocked hotels. Shuttles will be available both after the Reception and at the end of the After Party depending on your plans for the night. Please see the ‘Travel and Hotels’ tab for more details or alternatives.